The World’s #1 Designer Dog Registry
Dog Registration | Designer Kennel Club | Bernedoodle | Goldendoodle | Aussiedoodle
DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is a designer dog registry such as Bernedoodle, Miniature French Bulldog, Goldendoodle, Aussiedoodle, Chiweenie, Morkie, Miniature English Bulldog, Frenchie Doodle and more! DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is the premier dog registry for designer dog breeds. We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest level of service, and we are committed to providing just that. Please explore the rest of our site to learn more about what we have to offer. DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is here for you.

How to Register
Your Dog?
Registering your designer breed has never been easier. Fill out our registration form and purchase your registration package to complete the registration process. Our team will process your registration and you will receive your registration papers within 10-14 days.
DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is a designer breed registry. We are dedicated to building the foundations of all these designer breeds for the future. Our registry is one of the first to register many of these breeds including Bernedoodle, Frenchiedoodle, Maltipoo, Goldendoodle, and more!
Love and Second Chances
DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is committed to making a positive impact to less fortunate animals. Each month, we contribute to local rescues who needs financial support to accomplish their mission. Please join us by donating and spreading the word of this great work by foster families and volunteers.

Designer Breeds
DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is proud to showcase popular designer breeds and provide sustainable value to your breeding program with our registry. Our registry features popular designer breeds such as the Bernedoodle, Golden Doodle, and Aussiedoodle.

Bernedoodle, first introduced in 2003, is a cross between a Bernese mountain dog and a poodle. They were bred solely for companionship, so they love attention and lots of cuddles from their families. Bernedoodles are just as happy curling up on the couch as they are hiking a trail alongside their humans.

Goldendoodle, or more simply, the Doodle, is a designer dog created by crossbreeding a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. First widely bred in the 1990s, they are bred in three different sizes—each corresponding to the size of Poodle used as a parent.

Aussiedoodle, a designer breed between an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle, the Aussiedoodle or Aussiepoo is a fantastic companion. Aussiedoodles are playful and friendly dogs that love to play with their owner. They are small to medium-sized, have a coat that can be wavy or curly, and may also be hypoallergenic.
DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB attributes our reputation to the lasting customer relationships we’ve developed throughout the years. We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest level of service.

Debbie Miller
My daughter purchased a bernedoodle from a breeder that did not give us papers. We needed papers to show her apartment complex to rent. We found designer kennel club and it was very easy to register her as a foundation dog for rent purposes and the option with papers now if we decide to breed her in the future. Great registry!

Hayden Griffin
We needed paperwork to prove our Aussiedoodle was a registered breed in order to get approved for a doggy daycare. Our friend told us about the designer kennel club. We checked it out, filled out forms, and paid the registration package. We received our paperwork within a week or so. Thank you so much!

Maddie Wilson
I purchase two goldendoodle dogs, one boy and one girl. I wanted to breed them, but did not have registered paperwork. I found the designer kennel club online. We submitted all the information required and a couple weeks later we got our papers. Now, our litter and goldendoodle puppies have papers for the new owners. Will definitely use the DKC moving forward.

Layla Kovach
We needed paperwork to prove our Labradoodle was a registered breed in order to get approved by our vet. My friend told us about the designer kennel club. We filled out forms, submitted pictures, and paid the registration package. We received our paperwork within a week. Highly Recommend.
Can you register a Goldendoodle puppy?Yes, you can register a Goldendoodle puppy as a foundation if you do not have information on the parents or the parents are not registered. If you plan to breed your Goldendoodle in the future, both parents require registration with Designer Kennel Club for your litter to be registered. Therefore, each individual Goldendoodle puppy will be assigned and verified their own registration number.
Can you register a Bernedoodle puppy?Yes, you can register a Bernedoodle puppy as a foundation if you do not have information on the parents or the parents are not registered. If you plan to breed your Bernedoodle in the future, both parents require registration with Designer Kennel Club for your litter to be registered. Therefore, each individual Bernedoodle puppy will be assigned and verified their own registration number.
How to register a Aussiedoodle?you can register a Aussiedoodle puppy as a foundation if you do not have information on the parents or the parents are not registered. If you plan to breed your Aussiedoodle in the future, both parents require registration with Designer Kennel Club for your litter to be registered. Therefore, each individual Aussiedoodle puppy will be assigned and verified their own registration number.
Who created the Frenchie Doodle breed?The Frenchie Doodle or Frenchiedoodle breed was created by legendary breeder, Don Chino. The bloodline is from Texas Brand Bloodlines with 8 generations. Frenchiedoodles are only registered with the Designer Kennel Club.
Does a teacup French Bulldog exist?Yes, a teacup or micro French Bulldog does exist. Designer Kennel Club is the only registry that recognizes the Miniature French Bulldog breed.
How do I register a designer dog?You can register your designer dog with Designer Kennel Club. There are many designer breeds to accommodate your dog registration needs.
Can I register a dog with no papers?Yes, you can register your dog as a foundation dog with the Designer Kennel Club. If you're breed is not listed please submit your designer breed name in notes.
What is Designer Kennel Club?DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is a designer breed registry Designer Kennel Club is a designer dog breed registry such as Bernedoodle, Miniature French Bulldog, Goldendoodle, Aussiedoodle, Chiweenie, Morkie, Miniature English Bulldog, Frenchie Doodle and more!
Which registry registers designer dog breeds?DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is a designer breed registry Designer Kennel Club is a designer dog breed registry such as Bernedoodle, Miniature French Bulldog, Goldendoodle, Aussiedoodle, Chiweenie, Morkie, Miniature English Bulldog, Frenchie Doodle and more! DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is the premier registry for designer breeds. We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest level of service, and we are committed to providing just that. Please explore the rest of our site to learn more about what we have to offer. DESIGNER KENNEL CLUB is here for you.
Does a Miniature or Micro French Bulldog exist?A Micro Frenchie is a small French Bulldog that got bred down to a smaller size thru generations of selective breeding. There are other names associated with this phenomenon such as the Micro French Bulldog or Teacup Frenchies. All these terms essentially carry the same meaning. A smaller version of the standard French Bulldog we all know and love. Guinness World Record Smallest French Bulldog Roach is a cream “Miniature French Bulldog” weighing in at 7.9lbs as an adult from Micro Frenchies. He is completely healthy and proportionally built from front to back. His impressive head piece is blocky and exemplifies every feature of a traditional bulldog head. He will be perfect any program looking to produce smaller and healthy Mini French Bulldogs. Roach is so perfect that we’ve been contact with the Guinness World Record to possibly place him as the World’s Smallest French Bulldog. Miniature French Bulldog or Micro French Bulldog recognized by Designer Kennel Club Don Chino created the Miniature French Bulldog or Micro Frenchie, Fluffy French Bulldog & the Hypoallergenic French Bulldog. He is considered the Greatest French Bulldog Breeder in the World by the American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, and Designer Kennel Club. He was also the first verified French Bulldog breeder by
Who created the Fluffy French Bulldog?The Fluffy French Bulldog was created by legendary French Bulldog breeder named Don Chino. He also developed the fluffy dominant gene that can produce fluffy puppies within one generation.
What is the lifespan of a Miniature French Bulldog?12-16 years, there is a theory that smaller dogs live longer. This is backed by the average lifespan of all the small dog breeds. The Micro French Bulldog was designed to be a superior version in health and quality than the standard French Bulldog.
Can you register a small French Bulldog as a Micro French Bulldog?Yes, a Miniature French Bulldog is it's own breed separate from a standard French Bulldog. Please register your Micro French Bulldog here.
How to register an American Bully without papers?You can register your American Bully with the Designer Kennel Club as a "Miniature Exotic Bully" as a foundation. You will be able to submit the parents names and pedigree. Processing will take 10-14 days, you will receive your certificates via mail.
Can you register a Fluffy American Bully without papers?You can register your Fluffy American Bully with the Designer Kennel Club as a "Exotic Fluffy Bully" as a foundation. You will be able to submit the parents names and pedigree. Processing will take 10-14 days, you will receive your certificates via mail.
Are Micro Bullies or Designer Bullies recognized?Yes, the Designer Kennel Club recognizes these breeds as "Miniature Exotic Bully". You are able to register your dog as a foundation.
How to get papers for a dog without papers?If your dog has no papers or no history, you can register your dog as a foundation dog with the Designer Kennel Club. By registering your foundation dog, your dog will be the first to establish a lineage for the future.
How to register a puppy litter?In order to register a puppy litter with the Designer Kennel Club, you must first register both parents as foundation dogs. Next, using the DKC registration numbers of parents to register a litter with the Designer Kennel Club.
Como registrar un perro sin paples?Si su perro no tiene papeles o antecedentes, puede registrarlo como perro de fundación en el Designer Kennel Club. Al registrar su perro fundador, su perro será el primero en establecer un linaje para el futuro.
How to get papers for a dog?You can register your dog as a foundation dog if you currently have no history of your dog. This will establish a start for your dog's lineage.
How to register a dog for the first time?If you're registering your dog for the first time, you can register your dog as a foundation dog with Designer Kennel Club to establish a lineage.
Can I register a new dog breed with the DKC?Yes, you can register new dog breeds with the Designer Kennel Club. Register your dog as a foundation dog to establish a new dog breed.